PREAM Lands (Real Estate) in Dallas
Full information about PREAM Lands in Dallas: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. PREAM Lands on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of PREAM Lands:
6060 N Central Expy, Suite 510, Dallas, Texas (TX), 75206
EditPREAM Lands opening hours:
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
EditReviews about PREAM Lands:
About PREAM Lands:
Looking to sell your land fast in Texas? Pream Lands is a trusted and experienced land buying company operating primaraly in North and East Texas and throughout the state. We purchase raw land, vacant lots, acreage, and other types of undeveloped property and lots directly from landowners. Our process is simple and straightforward - we make fair cash offers to buy land as-is, allowing you to avoid lengthy listing periods and realtor fees.
EditReal Estate nearest to PREAM Lands:
Blue Sky Mortgage Dallas, Real Estate; 6060 N Central Expy#560, Dallas, TX, 75244-4389; (972) 364-9696
Faust Robert Mortgage Co Dallas, Real Estate; 6060 N Central Expy#620, Dallas, TX, 75206-5208; (214) 691-1545
Hexter Fair Dallas, Real Estate; 6060 N Central Expy, Dallas, TX, 75206-5278; (972) 263-5801
Texas Capital Bank Na-Residential Mortgage Lending Dallas, Real Estate; 6060 N Central Expy, Dallas, TX, 75206-5208; (972) 560-4565